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Attleboro Youth Soccer

Attleboro Youth Soccer

Welcome New Coaches

Welcome New AYS Coaches & Asst. Coaches,

AYS wants to be the first to say thank you for volunteering. Below are 4 steps that AYS requires all volunteers to complete prior to the season. These requirements have been put in place to ensure the safety of all our players. AYS also strives to further educate all volunteers to help provide the best coaching experience for all of our participants. All 4 of these required steps have been listed below:

(Note: Returning Coaches will only have to re-register with MYSA every Fall. All CORI's will have to be resubmitted once your previous CORI expires.)

Step 1 (MYSA - Mass Youth Soccer Association Registration):

  • Please register using the Adult Registration Portal on the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Website (See Link Below). You will need to upload a passport size headshot to complete the process.
  • Please remember to save your username and password information.  You will be required to register annually (This registration will be good for the following fall and spring seasons).

Step 2 (CORI check):           

  • Once you register using the above link, an email will be sent to your registered email address from [email protected] with a link to complete the CORI Submission Request.  
  • After you complete the CORI form, you must print and mail a copy of the form along with a copy of your license or government issued ID to the AYS CORI Submitter, Craig Levis. These can be mailed to:

Attleboro Youth Soccer
PO Box 641
Attleboro, MA 02703

  • When this process is completed, your CORI will be in good standing for 3 years.  Approximately 5 months prior to the expiration date of your CORI, you will be sent an email to complete the CORI Submission Request.
  • Please contact the AYS CORI Submitter, Craig Levis, at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Step 3 (Concussion Training)

  • As a parent of a youth athlete I am sure you are aware of the seriousness of head related injuries for youth athletes.  As a coach you are likely to be the first line of defense in preventing and recognizing potential signs of concussion.  AYS therefore asks that you become familiar with the concussion policy and take the online training course available at:

Inclement Weather

Please review the AYS Inclement Weather Policy on the Coaches Tab.

Zero Tolerance Policy

AYS has a long standing Zero Tolerance Policy for all coaches and parents.  It is your responsibility to read and understand it. Please see the link in the coaches tab for the full policy.

Training Courses

For details on dates, locations and contacts for any of these courses below, visit the MA. Youth Soccer Association Web Site, then click Instructional Programs, then click License Course Schedule.  There you will find the most up to date schedule on all courses offered.


Coaching Courses are run by instructors from the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association (MYSA). The MYSA instructional staff is a group of men and women who are dedicated to the development of excellent coaches.


Most are teachers, many are college coaches; all have wide experience in soccer. Most of the staff coaches have US Soccer A or B licenses.  Resourceful, confident coaches are vital to the development of our children as soccer players. These courses stress: enjoyment, positive spirit, enthusiasm and creativity.  The G and F courses are introductions, designed for first time coaches or those with little experience. The intention is to help you to become a more resourceful and confident "activity leader".

G Course

Duration: 4 hours. No prerequisite.
Materials: MYSA G Manual and soccer coach training package
Who: Novice coaches or coaches of U8 - U10 players with little experience. Required for all In-town coaches. Required for all BAYS Travel coaches and assistants coaches.
Course Content:Ideas about how to organize practices and game days, lots of practical activities and games for practices, brief demonstrations of basic techniques.


Duration: 8 hours. G course is a prerequisite
Materials: MYSA F Manual and Coaching the Goalkeeper by Tony Waiters.
Who: Novice coaches or coaches of U8 – U10 players with some experience. Required for all U9 AND U10 BAYS Travel coaches and assistant coaches. 
Course Content:Ideas about how to organize practices and game days, many games and exercises for practices, a more thorough demonstration of basic technique, elementary goalkeeping technique and some basic tactical ideas.


OverviewThe E course is for those who want to learn more about the techniques and tactics of the game and more about leading experienced youth teams.
Duration: 16 hours. F course is a prerequisite.
Materials: MYSA E Manual, Coaching the Team by Tony Waiters, Youth Sports Injuries by John F. Duff M.D.
Who: Coaches with some experience with U10, U12 and U14 teams. REQUIRED FOR ALL  U11 AND ABOVE BAYS TRAVEL COACHES STARTING IN SPRING 2013
Course Content:Systems of play, laws and restarts, game and exercises for practices, tactical ideas, including 2v1 situations, more on goalkeeping.


OverviewThe D course is for coaches who want to refine their understanding of technique and tactics and their effectiveness as trainers or youth and adolescent players.
Duration: 40 hours. E course is prerequisite.
Materials: MYSA D Manual, So Now You Are a Goalkeeper by Joe Machnik and Frans Hoek and five video tapes from Jape Shatuck's International Tactics
Who: Experienced coaches of U12, U14 and U16 teams.
Course Content:Coaching methodology, fitness, goalkeeping, technical sessions on dribbling, receiving and shooting, coaching demonstrations, economical coaching methods for technical and tactical topics and for making corrections.


Attleboro Youth Soccer
Attleboro Youth Soccer, P. O. Box 641
Attleboro, Massachusetts 02703

Email: [email protected]

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